Weapon Specials
Here are a list of special abilities and attributes that can only be met when wielding certain weapons.

You may attack opponents from a 10 foot distance, and anything in the way.

+1: 20 foot distance || +2: 30 foot distance
You may attack opponents from a 10 foot distance, but cannot attack anyone adjacent to you.

+1: 20 foot distance || +2: 30 foot distance
Rolling a Critical failure when rolling for accuracy with this weapon will gain the Broken condition.

If another Critical failure is rolled while it is Broken, it will permanently break.
Rolling a Critical hit when rolling for accuracy will apply the Bleed condition to your target.
Rolling a Critical hit when rolling for accuracy will give you the opportunity to Grapple the target\.
Make a Deception Skillcheck with a +4 bonus. If successful, your next melee attack will not allow your opponent to apply their Dexterity bonus to their AC for the current and next round. If unsuccessful, you will not be able to apply your Dexterity bonus to your AC for the current and next round.
Gain a +2 Shield Bonus to your AC when using this weapon.