A battle is fast, loud and messy. Every decision is the difference between life and death, in too little time.

Turn sequence is determined at the start of combat with "Initiative". Those with the highest Dexterity score have their turn last. If two or more actors share the same Dex score, they may flip a coin to see who goes later.

Each participant speaks, stating what they'd like to do in their turn. Once everyone has stated their turn, the sequence is played out in reverse.

The Scale
"The Scale" is a tool used to represent a character's fighting disposition - whether they are currently focused on attacking, dodging, or a balance between the two.

The Scale has two sides representing "Power" and "Defense". Each side holds 3 pegs. At 50/50, your Attack and Dodge efficiency are unchanged. However, when tilting The Scale to one side, the efficieny of that side is increased by an additional Die, while the other is decreased.

On top of this, all that's needed to determine if an attack will land or not, is checking how many Power pegs you have in comparison to your targets Defense pegs. If it's greater or equal, the attack lands. If lower, the attack misses.

You may set your Scale at any time, granted you have at least one point of Stamina.

Magick is not affected by The Scale.

Main Action - Only one per turn, this includes actions such as Attacking, Casting Spells, using an Item, performing a Skillcheck, etc. A Main Action generally encapsulates the whole turn, besides Movement, Bonus/Free Actions.

Bonus Action - Limited to certain abilities, they can be performed once per turn. They usually come from Trait's/Foible's.

Free Action - Can always be performed at any point in your turn, so long as you're capable. Usually consists of small and quick actions that require little time or effort to perform, such as Talking or Examining.

Move - Each tile on a battlefield is a 5x5 foot square. You may always move using your Speed value during your turn, so long as you're capable.

Reaction - Can be performed when it is not your turn. Usually context sensitive, such as being able to React when an enemy attacks you, or an Ally heals you.